Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Just a lil Nonsense

Hello guys...

Just to start on this auspicious day.. as i said.. a lil nonsense.. :)

The Birds that never sung...
The Flowers that never bloomed...
The Rains that never showered...
The Wind that never blow...

To those forgotten dreams..
To those unseen tears...
To those lonely walks...
To those silent talks...

If the Oceans can tell the depth of love..
If the Mountains can speak the heights of desire..
If the Rivers can share the secrets of a search...
And If the Sky can exhibit the reach of a heart..

My love…
None of these could possibly tell you
The pain that struck my heart
When I knew
That your sister was more beautiful than you.



Anonymous said...

humm irony sarcasticized..........or shud say simbly sardonic....great going kans.......yogs

Anonymous said...

Jessamyn West once said "A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself"...keep it up and nice one

Anonymous said...

hi kanya :-)

This is a good poem. Light humor :-)
Keep up the good work :-)

Savita :-)

Anonymous said...

real cute Kanya!!!
Keep it coming!!!


Anonymous said...

hey kanya,
i never knew this..... u r too good.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha... Just too good... cant stop myself from stealing this and sending to other ppl :D

Anonymous said...

This is a message from "What is It?" Musician. I liked your poetic expression and if you can write a song, pass it to me...you will have it done with a soulful Music.